Get B2B SEO audit in 48 hours + 10 tips to get more leads

Not your run-of-the-mill audit with Excel sheets no one can understand.We’ll send you a video report breaking down everything: from website structure
to content. No need to pay, and no strings attached. We just want to give you a taste of how we work. The audit will help you to

Stop your website from  leaking leads

Improve position of high-intent keywords

Fix technical issues affecting website speed

Get more out of the existing content+pages

Want a content + web breakdown?

When do you need to perform an SEO audit of your B2B website

Knowing when to perform an SEO audit of your B2B website is crucial for staying ahead of the game. Here are some key moments when you should consider diving into an audit:

  • You’re getting great organic search traffic but none of them is converting to leads
  • Launching a new website or redesign
  • Noticed a sudden or consistent decline in your search engine rankings or organic traffic
  • When a major algorithm update rolls out, it's wise to perform an audit to ensure your site remains compliant and optimized.
  • Looking to tap into new markets, geographies, or customer segments
  • In the event of a merger or acquisition

It is a healthy practice to get an audit done once in six months.

What is a B2B SEO audit and what does it include? 

Introducing Freshboost's B2B SEO audit, the tailor-made solution designed to address the unique challenges faced by B2B companies. 

Once you send us your website and other details, our team breaks down everything from content to UI/UX to technical issues. Then you’ll get a video report + a checklist you can implement immediately. It will include:

  • Competitor analysis
  • Keyword analysis
  • Tech seo audit
  • Analysis of UI/UX flow
  • Understanding Google Analytics and Google Search Console data
  • Off-page SEO and backlink analysis

Then, we usually get on a follow-up call with you. We strongly recommend a call because that’s how we can ensure execution. But if you think the audit is enough, we respect that.

We combine industry-specific expertise, technical prowess, and a focus on long-term growth to help you optimize your online presence and achieve sustainable results. We understand the frustrations B2B marketers face when working with generic SEO agencies, and that's why we've crafted a unique audit process that sets us apart from the rest.

Here's a B2B SEO audit checklist to get you started

  1. Identify target keywords that lead to conversion: Research and list the most relevant keywords for your industry, products, or services using tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. Make sure to identify transactional keywords and long-tail keywords that might have very little search volume but are of huge business value.
  2. Review meta tags: Ensure each page has a unique and optimized title tag and meta description that includes target keywords and is within the recommended character limits. If the meta description is longer, you might not see enough clicks
  3. Examine header tags: Check that your header tags (H1, H2, etc.) are properly structured and incorporate relevant keywords. This seems obvious, but you’d be surprised at the amount of traffic you’re losing out on by not ensuring meta tags in place.
  4. Assess URL structure: Confirm that your URLs are descriptive, short, and keyword-rich, and avoid using unnecessary characters or parameters.
  5. Evaluate internal linking: Review your internal link structure to ensure it's logical, helps users navigate your site, and evenly distributes link equity.
  6. Check for duplicate content: Use tools like Siteliner or Copyscape to find and eliminate any duplicate content on your website.
  7. Review content quality: Analyze your existing content for relevance, depth, readability, and keyword usage, then identify opportunities to optimize or create new content.
  8. Inspect image optimization: Verify that images have descriptive file names, alt tags, and are properly compressed for faster loading times.
  9. Analyze site speed: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify areas for improving your site's loading time.
  10. Test mobile-friendliness: Ensure your site is responsive and provides a seamless user experience on mobile devices using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test.
  11. Examine backlink profile: Analyze your site's backlink profile using tools like Ahrefs or Moz to identify high-quality, relevant links and remove toxic or spammy ones.
  12. Perform a technical audit: Check for crawl errors, broken links, and sitemap issues using Google Search Console or other tools like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb.
  13. Conduct a competitor analysis: Research your top competitors' websites to identify their SEO strengths and weaknesses, and uncover opportunities for your own site.

Five reasons why our audit is different

Customized strategy + competitor analysis: 

We take the time to understand your business, target audience, and industry to develop an SEO strategy that is specifically tailored to your needs and goals.

Deep industry knowledge:

We have extensive experience working with B2B companies across various sectors, enabling us to provide relevant insights and recommendations that resonate with your target audience.

Get more out of your existing content:

We know the power of high-quality content in B2B marketing, and our audit places a strong emphasis on optimizing your existing content and identifying new opportunities to drive organic traffic and conversions.

Solve technical issues affecting your website’s speed and functionality:

Our team includes devs and analysts who have resolved complex SEO issues. They’ll give you pointers ensuring your website is fully optimized for search engines and user experience.

This sets us apart from other agencies cause we understand that tech and SEO go hand-in-hand. 

We think long-term:

Rather than chasing short-term wins, our audit process is designed to build a strong foundation for sustainable growth, ensuring your website is optimized for long-term success.

How our audits have helped B2B companies repurpose content to get more leads

  • Our website redesign helped a market research firm triple their leads in three months. We resigned their user flow and did not add any new content 
  • Our fast, responsive website for an AI tool in the CX space boosted their average organic rankings in just a month
  • Our SEO framework helped a DevOps tool attract early buyers in a niche market with very high competition

Want to do the audit yourself? Here’s a 14-point B2B seo audit checklist to get you started.

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